The Top 25 Foods High In Choline

Choline is a water-soluble, vitamin-like compound that plays a wide range of roles within the human body.

While not officially classed as a vitamin, choline is an essential nutrient that we need to obtain from their diet.

Among its functions, choline is particularly important for its liver-protective properties. Research shows that choline supports healthy liver function and may protect against liver damage (1, 2).

The daily value (DV) for choline is 550 mg, and it is most prevalent in animal-based foods (3).

This article provides a guide to foods that are high in choline. The majority of these foods are animal-based, but there are also some good plant-based sources.

Beef Liver Slices On a Plate.
Liver: one of the best dietary sources of choline

1) Beef Kidney

Choline Per 100 grams Choline Per 3-oz (85g) serving
513.2 mg (93% DV) 436 mg (79% DV)

Kidney is a nutrient-dense type of organ meat. Per typical serving, cooked beef kidney offers 79% of the daily value for choline per serving (4).

2) Beef Liver

Choline Per 100 grams Choline Per 3-oz (85g) serving
426 mg (77% DV) 362 mg (66% DV)

Beef liver is another type of organ meat that offers lots of nutritional value. Liver’s choline content is no exception, and the organ meat provides 66% of the daily value per serving (5).

Beef liver is also among the best food sources of vitamin A.

3) Fish Roe

Choline Per 100 grams Choline Per Ounce (28g) serving
335.4 mg (61% DV) 95.1 mg (17% DV)

In addition to being a nutritious source of omega-3, fish roe also offers a significant amount of choline – 17% of the daily value per serving (6).

4) Eggs

Choline Per 100 grams Choline Per 3 Large Eggs (151g)
335 mg (61% DV) 507 mg (92% DV)

Eggs are an excellent source of nutrients, and they are among the best sources of choline too. Three large cooked eggs provide 92% of the daily value (7).

Eggs are also an excellent source of other B vitamins such as biotin and B12.

5) Chicken Liver

Choline Per 100 grams Choline Per 3-oz (85g) Serving
288 mg (52% DV) 244 mg (44% DV)

Like other varieties of liver, chicken liver is a rich source of choline, and it offers 44% of the daily value per serving (8).

6) Liverwurst

Choline Per 100 grams Choline Per Slice (28g)
255.9 mg (47% DV) 71.7 mg (13% DV)

Liverwurst is a type of liver sausage that features liver, meat, pork/beef fat, and spices.

Since it contains liver, this product is very nutrient-dense, and it provides 13% of the daily value for choline per slice (9).

7) Whey Protein Isolate

Choline Per 100 grams Choline Per Scoop (28g)
225 mg (41% DV) 63 mg (11% DV)

Whey protein isolate is one of the most concentrated dietary sources of protein.

This protein powder is also an excellent source of B vitamins such as vitamin B6, and it offers more than 11% of the daily value for choline per single scoop (10).

8) Dried Shiitake Mushrooms

Choline Per 100 grams Choline Per 8 mushrooms (30g)
201.7 mg (37% DV) 60.6 mg (11% DV)

Dried shiitake mushrooms are a popular and highly nutritious type of food.

These mushrooms play a regular part in East Asian cuisine, and just eight dried mushrooms offer 11% of the daily value for choline (11).

9) Soy Protein Isolate

Choline Per 100 grams Choline Per Scoop (28g)
190.9 mg (35% DV) 54.1 mg (10% DV)

Soy protein isolate is another concentrated protein source that provides large amounts of choline.

Per scoop serving, it offers 10% of the daily value for the nutrient (12).

10) Wheat Germ

Choline Per 100 grams Choline Per Cup (113g)
179 mg (33% DV) 202 mg (37% DV)

Wheat germ is one of the most nutrient-dense grain products, and it is the reproductive part of a wheat kernel.

Wheat germ is a rich source of choline, and it offers 37% of the daily value per cup (13).

In addition to being a rich source of choline, wheat germ is packed with other B vitamins including thiamin and B6.

11) Scallops

Choline Per 100 grams Choline Per 3-oz Serving (85g)
129.4 mg (24% DV) 110 mg (20% DV)

Scallops are a type of mollusk, and they are one of the most nutritious foods from the sea.

Among the nutrients they contain, scallops provide around 20% of the daily value for choline (14).

12) Clams

Choline Per 100 grams Choline Per 3-oz serving (85g)
129.4 mg (24% DV) 110 mg (20% DV)

Clams are another nutrient-rich seafood, and they offer a wide range of essential nutrients.

This popular shellfish contains high amounts of choline – around 20% of the daily value per serving (15).

13) Salmon

Choline Per 100 grams Choline Per Medium Fillet (227g)
115.8 mg (21% DV) 263 mg (48% DV)

Salmon is a delicious and popular fish, and it’s a great source of omega-3, protein, and numerous other important nutrients.

These nutrients include choline, and a medium fillet of salmon offers close to half of the daily value (16).

14) Pork (lean)

Choline Per 100 grams Choline Per 6-oz (170g)
99.4 mg (18% DV) 169 mg (31% DV)

Similar to all meat products, pork is a good source of choline. Lean pork offers the most, and 96% lean ground pork contains 31% of the daily value per 6-oz serving (17)

15) Bison

Choline Per 100 grams Choline Per 6-oz (170g)
97.2 mg (18% DV) 165.2 mg (30% DV)

Bison is a type of red meat that is generally leaner than pork or beef.

It’s a good source of protein and nutrients, and it offers 30% of choline’s daily value per serving (18).

16) Turkey (meat only)

Choline Per 100 grams Choline Per 6-oz (170g)
88.9 mg (16% DV) 151.2 mg (27% DV)

Poultry is typically rich in choline too, and cooked ground turkey (without skin) contains 27% of the daily value per six-ounce serving (19).

17) Cod (Pacific)

Choline Per 100 grams Choline Per Fillet (180g)
83.7 mg (15% DV) 151 mg (27% DV)

Cod is a lean fish with white flesh, and it is an excellent source of protein, vitamins, and minerals.

The fish has a high choline content too, and a typical fillet of cod provides 27% of the daily value (20).

18) Ground Beef (lean)

Choline Per 100 grams Choline Per 6-oz (170g)
83.1 mg (15% DV) 141.6 mg (26% DV)

Ground beef contains a moderately high amount of choline, and it provides 26% of the daily value per six-ounce serve (21).

19) Shrimp

Choline Per 100 grams Choline Per 3-oz (85g) Serving
80.9 mg (15% DV) 68.8 mg (13% DV)

Shrimp is a small but nutritious shellfish, and it is among the best dietary sources of choline. A three-ounce serving provides 13% of the nutrient’s daily value (22).

20) Mackerel

Choline Per 100 grams Choline Per Small Fillet (170g)
80.4 mg (15% DV) 137 mg (25% DV)

Mackerel is an affordable, nutritious source of omega-3, and it is also high in choline, with a small fillet providing 25% of the daily value (23).

21) Sea Snails

Choline Per 100 grams Choline Per 3-oz (85g) Serving
77.6 mg (14% DV) 66 mg (12% DV)

Sea snails may not be among the most popular food types, but they offer a good amount of choline. A serving of cooked sea snails offers 12% of the daily value (24).

22) Sardines (canned in water)

Choline Per 100 grams Choline Per drained can (84g)
76 mg (14% DV) 63.8 mg (12% DV)

Sardines are packed with nutritional value, and they’re a great source of protein, omega-3, and essential nutrients.

Among these nutrients, a can of sardines supplies about 12% of the daily value for choline (25).

23) Chicken Breast (meat only)

Choline Per 100 grams Choline Per 1/2 Large Breast (145g)
72.2 mg (13% DV) 105 mg (19% DV)

Chicken breast may not be the tastiest form of chicken, but it is one of the most nutrient-dense.

Alongside large amounts of protein and other essential nutrients, per 1/2 of a skinless chicken breast offers 19% of the daily value for choline (26).

24) Duck (meat only)

Choline Per 100 grams Choline Per 1/2 Duck (143g)
64.7 mg (12% DV) 143 mg (26% DV)

Duck can be a good source of choline, and without skin, it offers approximately 20% of the daily value per serving (27).

25) Maitake Mushrooms

Choline Per 100 grams Choline Per Cup (70g)
51.1 mg (9% DV) 35.8 mg (7% DV)

Known as “the dancing mushroom” in Japan, maitake mushrooms are renowned for their nutritious properties (and their delicious taste).

These mushrooms are also one of the best plant-based sources of choline, and they provide 7% of the daily value per cup (28).

Summary Table: Foods High In Choline Per 100 Grams

The Choline Content of Foods Per 100 Grams
Food Name Amount of Choline Per 100g
Beef kidney 93% DV
Beef liver 77% DV
Fish roe 61% DV
Eggs 61% DV
Chicken liver 52% DV
Liverwurst 47% DV
Whey protein isolate 41% DV
Dried shiitake mushrooms 37% DV
Soy protein isolate 35% DV
Wheat germ 33% DV
Scallops 24% DV
Clams 24% DV
Salmon 21% DV
Lean pork 18% DV
Bison 18% DV
Turkey (meat only) 16% DV
Cod 15% DV
Lean ground beef 15% DV
Shrimp 15% DV
Mackerel 15% DV
Sea snails 14% DV
Sardines 14% DV
Skinless chicken breast 13% DV
Duck (meat only) 12% DV
Maitake mushrooms 9% DV

Final Thoughts

As shown in this article, organ meats, fish roe, and eggs are the best dietary sources of choline.

Other foods such as whey protein, seafood, and mushrooms are also good sources of the nutrient.

Regarding the best plant-based options, wheat germ, mushrooms, and soy protein are all high in choline.

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Michael Joseph, MSc

Michael works as a nutrition educator in a community setting and holds a Master's Degree in Clinical Nutrition. He believes in providing reliable and objective nutritional information to allow informed decisions.